Paul Lisy

My ideal photo works as a metaphor. There is a literal meaning and then an analogy that can be made to a theme or feeling or statement. Typically when I'm eyeing an image, the possibility that the shot might work on more than one level is often a primary reason that I might attempt to capture it.

I am a graduate of New York University for Film (Tisch School of the Arts), and I worked as an in-house and freelance script reader/story analyst for many years here in Los Angeles, for such companies as Tri-Star Pictures, Jerry Weintraub Entertainment, Spring Creek, Badham Cohen, River Road, CIBY 2000, and many others.

I am a co-owner of an evolving on-line stock footage site fueled by a large film and video archive ranging from nitrate silent sequences to contemporary design material we are scanning to be able to offer soon in 4K. I have shot video for my company in many locations around the country and the world.

THE REACH - my newest feature. A seven year document of my journey to deal with my “M.A.D.ness” or Magnified Awareness of Death, and my transition into the world of plant medicines/psychedelics, which are, believe me, something to be curious about. One or more of them may unlock something positive and expansive within you. Trailer:

UPSURGENT - will arrive soon. A 501.c3 non-profit, interactive exploration and discussion about living vibrantly, gratefully and empathetically.

LAMPS - The Los Angeles Medicinal Psychedelics Society - Website coming soon. I am a partner in this organization and we have held major symposiums (at UCLA in 2018) and continue to hold panel discussion on a monthly, on average, basis. Look for Psychedelics and Addiction Recovery feature doc in early 2024. Trailer can be found here.

I am the director of the feature documentary "Katrina Cop In The Superdome", which got the audience award for best documentary at the Big Easy Film Festival, and was a category finalist at several other film festivals, as well as being given a special screening by USC Cinema Services. It is currently being distributed by Green Apple Entertainment, which is based in Florida. And it can be viewed on the Tubi App.

A subsequent project that I created for LEVELER PICTURES is entitled "The Issue of Violence - Black Power". Right now it's a stand alone short doc but eFootage holds so much great material on the subject that I would like to create a full series on the subject.

I also offer up the cartoon series R.I.P.PERS, which I suppose is one way that I grapple regularly with the subject of death, purpose, energy and finality, and I welcome comments about the cartoons as I seek to present them as effectively as possible. I have MANY of these, good to go. Any GOLD BUG representatives or connections - I would love to hear from you.

Keaton - A Six Part Mini-Series - The life of the silent comedy film legend, BUSTER KEATON, told in six parts - for which I have written the script(s). In process of attempt to attract attention to this work and then see it produced. It recently received Quarter Final Standing at the San Francisco International Screenwriting Competition and Film Awards, was a quarter finalist in the Blue Cat Screenplay competition and was a selection of the Film Invasion Los Angeles Film Festival. I am looking for somebody to help me get the script into the hands of a production company. Might that be you?

I have co - and executive produced cable and PBS programming, along with serving as co-producer on I AM MAX, from Edward Porembny and Aia Ase, two creative souls who have made a rich visual meditation on the blessed and doomed life of the original silent screen comedian MAX LINDER.

I have also edited a number of short form videos for a variety of organizations and businesses.  Here's a link to ONE FINE DAY, a film I created for eFootage while covering the General Strike in Oakland in 2009.

And a special shout out to Thomas Schmidt - a great friend and a fellow creative soul who helped put together the elements of this site. He has encouraged me and my work continuously and I will be forever indebted to him. He is also an absolute pleasure to work (and hang) with.

Projects and possibilities abound - it's a big, beautiful world out there, isn't it? 

